Firm Profile & Professional Credentials


Firm Profile

Pyramid EES brings over three decades of diversified energy efficiency and analysis experience through its founder and principal energy engineer, Mr. Khaled A. Yousef, PE, who is experienced in providing a wide range of technical assistance services to numerous customers both domestically in the US and internationally.

Pyramid EES was formed over a decade ago in 2012 as a New York based Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC) by its founding member and principal energy engineer, who possesses several professional credentials:

  • PE: LicensedNew YorkStateProfessional Engineer (Mechanical Engineering);
  • CEM: Certified Energy Manager;
  • CDSM: Certified Demand Side Management Professional;
  • GBE: CertifiedGreenBuildingEngineer;
  • LEED AP: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional;
  • Member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE);
  • Member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).

Pyramid EES offers operational flexibility, expedited decision making and quick responses to customers’ needs.  Pyramid EES has the capability to collaborate with other consulting firms and recruit subcontractors as needed from our wide business and professional network.


Awards for professional public service

  • Energy Engineer of the Year Award -New York Capital Region of the Association of Energy Engineers, 2004.
  • Black Ink Regional Award from ASHRAE Region I – Received during the Awards Luncheon in Portland, ME on August 19th, 2006 during the ASHRAE CRC (Chapter Regional Conference) for issuing the Thermal Briefs Newsletter for the ASHRAE Northeast Chapter from July 2005 to June 2006 and for meeting the awards criteria.
  • Honorable Mention Regional Award as the Chair of the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) from ASHRAE Region I – Award received during the August 2007 ASHRAE CRC (Chapter Regional Conference) in Niagara Falls, NY for CTTC service for the ASHRAE Northeast Chapter from July 2006 to June 2007.
  • Outstanding Performance Regional Award for Chapter Programs as the Chair of Chapter Programs from ASHRAE Region I – Award received during the August 2007 ASHRAE CRC (Chapter Regional Conference) in Niagara Falls, NY for Chapter Programs service for the ASHRAE Northeast Chapter from July 2006 to June 2007.
  • Besides supporting ASHRAE, Mr. Yousef also received Dedicated Service Recognition and other Awards for supporting some of the New York State based not-for-profit organizations and charities to become more energy efficient, sustainable, and resilient. Award received from New York State Congressmen Paul D. Tonko, alongside NYS Senator Neil Breslin, and NYS Assemblyman John McEneny, Albany, New York Capital Region, December 2011.


Public Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Service

  • Pyramid’s founder also served as a Member of the New York State Energy Planning Board & Representative of the Temporary President of the New York State Senate from November 2010 through January 2012.
  • Pyramid’s founder served as an Advisory Council Member from May 2005 through April 2006 for the New York Collaborative of High Performance Schools (NY-CHPS).
  • Served on several California, Federal, US DOE, Utility and NYSERDA TEPs (Technical Evaluation Panels) and Scoring Committees (SC) over the years for over two decades in support of multiple technical assignments. This supported scientific and engineering creativity, innovation, inventions, developments, solutions, entrepreneurship, and R&D.
  • NYSSPE & E-Week: Professional Training Provider at the New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) & the New York Capital District Engineers Week (E-Week).
  • NYSERDA Consultant & Training Provider: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority with key locations at Albany, NY, Buffalo, NY, and New York City.
  • ASHRAE Northeast Chapter Positions held from 2003 – 2009 include Chapter Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, Newsletter Editor, President Elect, Programs Chair, CTTC Chair (Chapter Technology Transfer Committee), TEGA Chair (Technical, Energy, & Government Affairs Committee), BOG (Board of Governors Member), Chapter Delegate and Alternate at the Region-1 Northeast Chapter Regional Conferences (CRC), Chapter President, and CRC 2009 Planning Committee Member; Recipient of multiple ASHRAE awards and certificates for performance during different ASHRAE chapter officer positions as shown above.
  • ACEEE (The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy): Served as peer reviewer for technical papers for Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) and Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) Potential for ACEEE in 2006 supporting the “Less is More: En Route to Zero Energy Buildings” Theme. Performed other tech peer reviews, as needed, in support of other themes and entities over the years.
  • Member of ASHRAE: The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) – from 1989 to Present. Besides the National level society membership, Local chapter memberships include Albany, New York & Cairo, Egypt.
  • Member of USGBC: The United States Green Buildings Council.
  • Member of IGSHPA: The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (and NY-Geo).
  • The founder’s public service experience has deeply influenced Pyramid EES’ commitment to public benefit as a key part of the professional company’s philosophy.



Pyramid EES has successfully utilized its professional practice and hands-on expertise experience from over 30 years to guide customers and colleagues and to develop and deliver several valuable trainings as shown under the “Practical/Applied Publications/Trainings/Tools” Section of the Company Website